Collection: Natural Dental Chews

Natural Dental Chews for Dogs: Long-Lasting Treats For Teeth!

Natural dental chews for dogs are specialised treats designed to promote dental health and hygiene in for our canine companions. These dental sticks for dogs serve several purposes related to their oral well-being.

Dental Cleaning: Natural dental chews have abrasive textures or surfaces that help mechanically remove plaque and tartar build-up from a dog's teeth as they chew on the treat. The act of chewing on these sticks aids in the physical cleaning of their teeth.

Oral Hygiene: These treats contribute to maintaining good dental health by reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Regular chewing can help prevent the accumulation of harmful bacteria in the mouth, thus supporting overall oral hygiene.

Gum Health: Natural dental chews can also massage a dog's gums as they chew, promoting healthy gum tissue. Healthy gums are essential for maintaining strong teeth and preventing oral discomfort or disease.

Long-Lasting Enjoyment: They are designed to be long-lasting treats, providing dogs with hours of entertainment and mental stimulation while simultaneously addressing their dental needs. This extended chewing time can be beneficial for their overall well-being.

Natural Ingredients: By choosing dental sticks that are made from natural and easily digestible ingredients, you are also supporting your dog's overall health. Natural dental chews avoid artificial additives, flavours, or preservatives, making them a safer choice for dogs.

Which Are The Best Dental Chews for Dogs?

The best dental chews for dogs possess a textured surface that aids in the effective removal of plaque and tartar during chewing, actively contributing to dental hygiene. Natural dental sticks should also be durable, ensuring prolonged chewing sessions that not only support dental health but also offer mental stimulation. It is recommended to choose dental treats for dogs that integrate natural ingredients along with these essential physical attributes, as outlined above.

Fish Jerky Bars: Fish Jerky Bars are natural dental sticks that have a naturally abrasive texture due to their dried whitefish skin composition. This rough texture helps in the mechanical removal of plaque and tartar from a dog's teeth as they chew on the treat, supporting dental cleaning.

Yak Chews: Yak Chews are hard and dense, making them durable and long-lasting. As a dog chews on a yak bar, the texture of the chew starts to soften due to the dog's saliva and chewing action. This creates an abrasive surface that can help remove plaque and tartar from the dog's teeth. The chewing action can also help dislodge food particles that may be stuck between teeth.

Lamb Horns: Lamb Horns have a hard and durable texture that provides an abrasive surface as dogs chew on them. This texture can help in mechanically scraping off plaque and tartar from the surface of the dog's teeth. The chewing action can mimic the effect of brushing, albeit to a lesser extent.

Best Dental Chews for Puppies

Puppy dental sticks can be particularly helpful for puppies during their teething phase, which typically occurs between 3 and 7 months of age. Teething can be uncomfortable for puppies as their baby teeth fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. Here's how dental chews assist with teething:

  • Soothing Discomfort: The act of chewing on a dental chew can provide relief for teething puppies. The pressure and sensation of gnawing on a chew can help alleviate the discomfort associated with the erupting adult teeth and sore gums.
  • Gum Massage: Many dental chews have textured surfaces that massage a puppy's gums as they chew. This gentle massaging action can ease gum irritation and promote healthy gum tissue development.
  • Distracting from Destructive Chewing: Teething puppies often have a strong urge to chew to alleviate their discomfort. Providing them with dental chews can redirect their chewing behaviour away from household items, furniture, or shoes, reducing the risk of destructive chewing.
  • Oral Health: Dental chews designed for puppies may have a softer texture compared to those for adults, making them suitable for young, developing teeth. As puppies chew, these chews may help remove loose baby teeth and any remaining fragments to facilitate the transition to adult teeth.
  • Training and Positive Reinforcement: Dental chews can be used as a training tool. Offering a chew as a reward during training sessions can create positive associations with good behaviour and provide mental stimulation.

When selecting dental chews for teething puppies, it's crucial to choose options specifically advised for puppies to ensure they are age-appropriate and gentle on their developing teeth and gums.

Are Dental Sticks Necessary for Dogs?

The necessity of dental sticks should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration your dog's specific dental needs and overall health. Some dogs maintain good dental health through a balanced diet, regular chewing of appropriate toys, and routine toothbrushing. Dental treats for dogs should be natural rather than heavily marketed, overly processed ‘dental chews’.

  • Natural Ingredients: Natural dental sticks are typically made from wholesome and easily digestible ingredients. They often avoid artificial additives, preservatives, and fillers, which can be better for a dog's overall health.
  • Gentle Abrasion: Many natural dental sticks have an abrasive texture that is gentler on a dog's teeth and gums compared to some artificially manufactured chews. This makes them suitable for dogs with sensitive mouths.
  • Fewer Allergens: Natural dental sticks are less likely to contain common allergens that can affect some dogs, making them a safer choice for dogs with food sensitivities.
  • Digestibility: Natural dental sticks are usually easier for dogs to digest compared to some synthetic materials. They are less likely to cause digestive upset or blockages.
  • Nutritional Value: Some natural dental sticks are formulated to provide additional nutritional benefits, such as added vitamins, minerals, or Omega-3 fatty acids, which can support a dog's overall well-being.
  • Environmental Impact: Choosing natural dental sticks may align with a preference for environmentally friendly products, as they are often made from renewable resources.

Other Benefits of Natural Dental Chews

  • Mental Stimulation: Chewing on dental chews can provide mental stimulation and help alleviate boredom in dogs. This mental engagement can be especially beneficial for dogs that may have excess energy or require mental enrichment.
  • Stress Reduction: Chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs, and it can have a calming effect. Providing dental chews can help reduce stress and anxiety in some dogs, especially during challenging situations like thunderstorms or when left alone.
  • Behavioural Benefits: Chewing on dental chews can help deter dogs from destructive chewing of household items, furniture, or other objects. Providing an appropriate outlet for their chewing instincts can improve overall behaviour.
  • Improved Breath: Dental chews can contribute to fresher breath by helping to remove food particles and bacteria from the mouth. This can be particularly useful for dogs with chronic bad breath.
  • Reduced Plaque and Tartar: Natural dental chews, especially those with textured surfaces, can effectively reduce the build-up of plaque and tartar on teeth. Over time, this can lead to better oral hygiene and potentially reduce the risk of dental diseases.
  • Gum Health: Chewing on dental chews can promote healthy gum tissue by stimulating blood flow to the gums. Healthy gums are essential for overall dental health and can prevent gum diseases like gingivitis.
  • Variety and Taste: Natural dental chews often come in a variety of flavours and shapes, making them appealing to dogs with different preferences. This variety can keep dogs interested and eager to chew.
  • Convenience: Dental chews are a convenient way to support your dog's oral health without the need for daily toothbrushing, which can be challenging for some dog owners.
  • Bonding and Training: Offering dental chews can strengthen the bond between you and your dog, as it provides an opportunity for positive interactions. Chews can also be used as rewards during training sessions.
  • Weight Management: Some natural dental chews are designed to be low in calories, making them suitable for dogs on weight management or calorie-controlled diets. They can provide a satisfying chewing experience without excess calories. 

Remember that while dental chews offer numerous benefits, they should be part of a broader approach to canine dental care, which may include regular veterinary check-ups, professional dental cleanings, and toothbrushing. Always choose dental chews that are appropriate for your dog's size, age, and individual needs, and consult with your veterinarian for guidance on maintaining your dog's oral health.