Yeast infection in dogs

Yeast Infection in Dogs

A yeast infection in a dog can make their life miserable. Your dog may drool excessively and there may even be swelling in specific areas of the body. The itchiness a yeast infection causes can leave a dog exhausted. You should always get a vet to examine your dog to ensure there are no underlying health issues causing the symptoms. However, it is also a good idea to read up on yeast infections in dogs too. 

What is a Yeast Infection in a Dog?

Yeast lives on a dog’s skin and in their gut. Most of the time, this fungus does not cause our canine friends any problems. That said, specific triggers can result in an overproduction which in turn sees a dog’s system try to get levels back to normal. Unfortunately, this can result in a ‘flare up’ with the symptoms of the yeast infection turning into a real problem. 

The Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Dogs 

You dog will display several common signs if a yeast infection is causing them discomfort.

Incessant Scratching
Incessant scratching is typically the first indication that your dog may be dealing with an overproduction of yeast. A dog may bite, gnaw, and chew on their skin. They could also show signs of head shaking which is a dog’s way of trying to ease their discomfort. Yeast infections in a dog’s ears are all too common, and if you notice your dog tilting their head it could be sign they are suffering. Other areas commonly affected include paws, and between toes

Hair Loss
Dogs with yeast infection flare ups often lose the hair in an affected area of their body all due to the itchiness they are struggling with

A Change in Skin Colour
Visible signs of a yeast infection in a dog can also be evident. If you spot any pink or red areas on your dog’s skin, it could be a sign they have developed a yeast problem. There may be swelling and when you touch the affected area, the skin feels warm. When a yeast infection turns chronic, your dog’s skin may turn a darker colour. This is a condition known as hyperpigmentation 

A Noticeable Odour
A specific odour is often associated with a yeast infection in dogs and as the infection gets worse, this ‘scent’ becomes more apparent 

Constant Licking 
Another symptom of a yeast infection in a dog is incessant licking. A dog will lick the affected area as a way of dealing with the itchiness. Your dog may also rub against a wall, piece of furniture, or scoot along the floor in an attempt to soothe their discomfort 

Although all of the above are common symptoms of yeast infection in dogs, they could also be signs that your pet is suffering from an underlying health issue. As such, an appointment with your vet is always advisable. A serious condition can be diagnosed sooner rather than later which can lead to a better outcome.

Dealing With Yeast Infection in Dogs 

There are many topical treatments for yeast infection in dogs which includes our range of natural products and tonics:


With Woofs and Wags,

Laura, Dolly, Reggie & Bear

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