FREE DELIVERY for UK orders over £30 (excludes Raw/Frozen goods)
FREE DELIVERY for UK orders over £30 (excludes Raw/Frozen goods)
File will be supplied as a PDF AND a PNG image sized to A4. We will offer up to two (free of charge) proofs.
1. Choose the Background Colour and Type of product you would like
2. Using the Customer Note's box at checkout, leave your pet's name as you want it to appear on the print.
3. Send your photo as an email ( after you place your order.
Please see the "PHOTO TIPS" image to see what an ideal picture looks like. Original .jpg files are best! IF THERE IS A COLLAR ON THE PET IN PHOTO YOU SUBMIT, IT WILL BE IN THE FINAL IMAGE AS WELL. Most items can not be removed or added to the image.
Typical turnaround time is 1-2 days to receive your proof. We offer up to two proofs free of charge to make sure you are happy with your finished print.
No refunds are offered on this product. However, if we have made a mistake, please contact us ASAP, and we will correct it.